December 8, 2016
We’re excited to announce our latest publication “FAIRDOMHub: a repository and collaboration environment for sharing systems biology research.” can now be accessed from
You can now use this reference to cite FAIRDOM in your papers:
“Wolstencroft K, Krebs O, Snoep JL, Stanford NJ, Bacall F, Golebiewski M, Kuzyakiv R, Nguyen Q, Owen S, Soiland-Reye S, Straszewski J, van Niekerk DD, Williams AR, Malmström L, Rinn B, Müller W, and Goble C (2016). FAIRDOMHub: a repository and collaboration environment for sharing systems biology research. Nucleic Acids Research, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw1032″